Sunday, January 13, 2013

Breakfast Sandwich: Not So Healthy, But Very Delicious

I love this breakfast sandwich, but I don't eat it too often. It is quite unhealthy. Here we go.


2 slices of bread, toasted and buttered
3 eggs, fried and seasoned with salt and pepper (I like my yolk runny, but you decide how to cook yours)
2-3 slices of bacon, cooked (I do not like mine crispy, but you decide how you want yours)

First, cook 2-3 slices of bacon. I usually throw mine on a baking sheet and cook them in the oven, but these are the Costco pre-cooked bacon slices. I just warmed them up in the microwave. Much faster, easier and less messy. Set bacon aside. 

Fry up three eggs. I use non-stick spray on the bottom of my All Clad frying pan, and once the bottom of the whites start to cook, I add skim milk and cover to steam the tops. While the eggs are steaming...

...I toast two slices of bread and butter the insides. The eggs and the toast should be done at about the same time. 

 Place your fried eggs on top of the toast. 

Then your bacon on top of that. You can eat it as an open-face sandwich, like so or...

...put another slice of bread on top like I do. Yum!

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