Monday, November 12, 2012

Homemade Microwave Popcorn. It's Cheap and As Simple As 1,2,3

My son McCann LOVES popcorn (notice the popcorn in his mouth; maybe it wasn't a good idea for me to ask him to smile).

Anyway, his love of popcorn started last Christmas, when my parents bought us this cool popcorn popper. While it is fun and makes loads of popcorn easily, it is not feasible for making a small, quick batch. Between the popping and the clean up, it's just not worth it. We experimented and came up with a microwave version.


1/4 cup popcorn
1 paper bag/lunch sack
1 tablespoon butter, melted
salt to taste

First off, I recommend white popping corn. When I microwaved with the yellow kernels  they came out spongy. It might just be me, but that was my experience. 

Secondly, (is that even a word), anyway, I tried different methods for applying the salt and butter, like melting the butter and mixing it and the salt with the kernels before I put them in the paper bag.

 What I ended up with was a greasy paper bag and popcorn that was not buttery. So we finally resigned to adding the butter and salt at the end. Okay, here we go...

Add 1/4 cup popcorn kernels to the bottom of a paper bag/lunch sack.

Fold down top of the bag and put it into your microwave.

Push the popcorn button on your microwave and let the popcorn pop (NOTE: my microwave is pretty powerful, so I don't let it run the whole time. Otherwise, I end up with burnt popcorn and a smelly kitchen. Once I hear the popping start to slow down, I stop the microwave).

I dump the popcorn out of the bag and into a bowl and add 1 tablespoon melted butter and salt it to taste. 

This is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. All you will have left are the kernels at the bottom of the bowl. 

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